Every good craftsperson needs the right tools. It’s no different when working on model rockets. You’ll need these four tools when building a model rocket.
1. Hobby Blades
Scissors work as a cutting tool for traditional arts and crafts projects in school, but a modeler should have something more exact. A hobby knife with a No. 11 blade is the go-to utensil for anyone interested in model rocketry.
It’s wise to buy these blades in bulk; buying a single one could be a dollar. Each blade comes out to about a quarter if you buy a box of 100 blades. You may want to get a different blade style, but you’ll use a No. 11 blade most of the time.
2. Straight Edges
Constructing your model rocket requires precise measurements to ensure everything is in working order. The best way to accomplish this is with a straight-edge tool. A standard 12-inch ruler or an aluminum angle will do the job, assuming it has certain features.
Purchasing a ruler with a cork backing strip is beneficial since it stays in place instead of sliding all over as you make your cuts. One last tip about rulers is to avoid wooden ones. The blade will slice and dice it, rendering it useless.
An aluminum angle is larger but often preferred by rocket hobbyists. It’s easier to draw lines on the body tube with this useful tool.
3. Sanding Block
A sanding block comes in handy to shape the rocket’s integral parts like the nose cone and body tube ends. It’s impossible to shape the rocket as you wish by wrapping sandpaper around your fingers, making a sanding block an essential piece for rocket construction.
Everyone has a different preference for their sanding block, but one thing remains a constant: do not cut the sandpaper with scissors because it will sharpen the paper.
4. Choosing Your Adhesive
There are various adhesives available for building your rocket. However, your tried-and-true Elmer’s White Glue is ideal for assembly. What makes Elmer’s White Glue the best is that it isn’t noticeable when it dries. In comparison, other glues or pastes leave remnants behind.
In theory, super glue feels like it makes the most sense because it’s the strongest. When cured, super glue will outlast our lifetime. However, it degrades in the bottle over time.
Lastly, you’ll need masking tape for painting. The tape helps builders paint their ships to fulfill their vision. Standard brown masking tape may be too strong. Opting for Scotch’s Magic Clear Tape is the solution.
You’ll need these four tools when building any model rocket, so it’s worth your while to always have them available, especially if you can’t stop building model rockets. AC Supply has a wonderful selection of model rockets, whether it’s your first time or you’re an expert at the craft. Contact us if you have questions or need guidance on which rocket to choose. We’re happy to help!